The club survey will close on the 11th of January 2018. If you haven't yet provided your feedback, please do so by this date.
CLICK HERE --> https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/lysterfield
We're stoked as a club to see how we've come and what we have planned. Big things are coming to Lysterfield Park and we want to make sure we cater for everyone who rides on the trails. If you mountain bike at Lysterfield Park (LDTR member or non member), please take 10 minutes out of your day/night to complete this survey.
We'd love everyone to take part in this if possible.
The more who complete the survey, the better equipped we will be to offer events and advocacy for the trail network.
This will help us as a club strategically work towards our dreams and goals with what we offer the riding community and also how the trails are influenced.
This is one way you can give back to the place you enjoy riding at.
CLICK HERE --> https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/lysterfield