A massive thank you to the 15 hard core volunteers who helped moved an incredible amount of material. Over 14 kilometers was walked with wheel barrows today along Lower Buckle to rebuild some of the features. We totaled 142.5 hours between 15 volunteers over the weekend.

We rebuilt roughly 8 features using a granite rock structure, followed with some finer aggregate as the topping. We also completed drainage along the whole track.
We had 3 new volunteers attend today which was awesome to see, with a big thanks to Bruce for donating a wheel barrow to the club at the end of that day!
We didn't have enough man/women power or energy to get to every feature, with 7 or 8 features still needing to be rebuilt. These will get rebuilt but will be missing out of action for a period of time (they won't be left out of action for too long).
We also had a minor interruption midway where two volunteers had to leave to assist an injured rider on the Women's Social Ride, however our building crew made a solid effort to cover as much ground as possible.
Big thanks to Coates Hire for the discount on the machinery and to Nick for getting this sorted at late notice due to some issues earlier in the week.

There's a lot that goes on behind the scenes prior and after a build, so thank you to the riders who rode past and those who let us know their appreciation for our hours volunteering.
Cheers, LDTR.