Want to be involved with the club more? Do you think you have skills and knowledge that could be useful for improving the club and the park? Positions are now available for renomination on the LDTR committee for the 2017-2018 year.
Come along on the night to get a brief summary of how the club is going and what is happening.
All are welcome to attend.
DATE: Monday 11th September
Time: 7pm
Where: Dandenong Stadium 270 Stud Rd (upstairs function room)
Please head over to our forum to nominate for a position: https://forum.lysterfieldmtb.com/index.php/topic,2050.0.html
President: • Overall responsibility of the club, to ensure that the club is managed as per club regulations and that we meet all our legislative requirements. • To grow the club financially and membership base. • To assist all committee members in their positions • To be the official voice of the club and to communicate to Parks Victoria and any member from the public.
Vice President: • Assist the President in duties that he is responsible for, to fill the president’s role when away or unable to carry out his responsibilities. • Assist Communication with Parks Victoria on all issues • Assist Control of Trail building days. • Assist other committee members if required
Secretary: • Responsible for all administration duties and record keeping. • Assist in communications with IMBA, MTBA and Members • Assist in retaining current members and assisting in collection of monies owed by current and new members • Contacting newly paid members welcoming to club and making sure they receive membership card and welcome pack. • Assist in Club Treasure were required.
Treasurer: • Responsible for accounts of the club • Accounts payable and receivable • To make sure account ledger is up to date and audited annually • Assist Secretary in contacting current members to re-new membership.
Marketing Membership: • Drive ideas and benefits of being LDTR club Member • Increase revenue for club to buy tools or pay for contracted works • Increase membership base • Drive club into new areas and create club image
IT Technologies • Co-Ordinate website, forum and keep us up to date with new technologies • Better utilise existing IT to advertise club ( Facebook etc) • Build on existing website and drive improvements • Online store ( revenue )
Trail Building Co-Ordinator x 2 • Manage all aspects of trail building • Manage trail day work flow and have all members sign register • Help drive initiatives to increase volunteer trail builders • Help Develop new trails and assist VP in seeking approvals etc. • Purchase of specialist tools materials for the club and trails
Grant / Government / Media Communicator • Hunt down Government Grants and fill out all required paper work • Open a line of communication to local MP’s and Local Councils • Assist in growing membership base via social media and Paper media
Social / Events Co-Ordinator • Organise and manage social rides • Ensure that we meet requirements when holding official rides • Grow the number of Club social events • Assist Marketing in generating club revenue i.e. swap meets, BBQ stand at race days etc. • Grow the benefits of being club member • Generate social club and a sense of belonging.
General Committee