Thank you to all of our members for the support this year; to the businesses who sponsored events; to the volunteers who shovelled rock and cleared drains to fix trails; to the committee who gave their time to make things happen behind the scenes; to the parents who came along with their kids to our socials rides; to the people who donated funds and for all the other rad people who love bikes as much as we do and came along to our events!
Although 2021 was another challenging year with lots of trail closures and frustrations, the good 'ol saying that "you biggest struggles bring your greatest growth" was true for us!
Here are some highlights of what LDTR achieved with everyone's help this year:
200 riders at the Golden Goat 2021, with one bike donated for the raffle prize by Life of Bikes, Pakenham.
We completed our Child Safe Policy
We nominated a Member Information Protection Officer and implemented a complaints procedure.
Parks Victoria Lysterfield depot employed a full time MTB ranger - Markus Feldgen
6 women cam onboard the LDTR committee.
6 Friday Fun and Lazy Loops events hosted.
GAS as Gisborne trails.
Started a petition to get funding for Lysty trails which saw 3000+ people sign!
Donated x1 bike to World Bicycle Relief.
Hosted a Christmas raffle which raised $1300 for the club.
Over $2000 in donations for our trail fund this year.
20 trees were cleared from the trail network by LDTR committee, Travis, Ben & Praveen on 21st June.
11 ride leaders qualified for MTBA L0.
1 committee member qualified for PMBI Level 1.
LDTR worked closely with YRMTB to develop stronger connections between both clubs.
Relationship strengthened with AusCycling. Shout out to Agostino & Nick Hammond for their strategic advice.
Trail Adoption Sponsorship process commenced.
We're pumped for 2022 and the exciting opportunities it will bring to help people get out on their bikes at Lysterield MTB Park.