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LDTR Skills Lessons! - July 2018

July 2018 Skills Sessions Saturday 7th July & Sunday 15th July Rego open now -

Skills sessions available: Saturday 7th July.

  • 9:30am Foundations (Beginner) lesson with Helen (Women only)

Sunday 15th July

  • 8am Foundations (Beginner) lesson with Jon

  • 8am Focus (Intermediate) lesson with Tim

  • 8am Private Lesson with Daz (limit 2 people, must know each other)

  • 8am Kids Under 16's Beginner lesson with Matt


Please review our skills page to see which lesson best suits you . Minimum/Maximum ages apply. Please see the LDTR Skills page for more details - ***Please note, jumping lessons are not currently offered by LDTR***

Cost group lessons $50. Limit 5 students per lesson. Cost private lesson $100 for 1 person, $150 for two people (Must know each other)

Special for current LDTR Club members $35. (see Skills link to obtain discount code - If you are not a current MTBA social or race member, you'll MUST purchase a Day Pass for this Skills session. This can be done during the rego. Cost is $10

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