Location: Lysterfield MTB Park, Victoria (Horsewood Rd carpark)
Meeting Point: Visitors centre (formerly Trailmix)
Date: September 30th
Cost: $Free
Time: 09:00AM
Description: Come along for LDTR’s first Junior ride, just in time for the school holidays.
This ride is aimed at 10 - 14 years old or beginners who are older than 14. If you are a beginner rider come along, gain some experience and meet other riders.
Not a beginner? See our junior intermediate ride on the 7th of October: here
ALL RIDERS NEED TO REGISTER through MTBA at https://online.mtba.asn.au/ERegister.aspx?E=4069.
The LDTR ride leader has a current working with childrens check, current first aid certificate, will carry a first aid kit and is a qualified skills instructor (no skills instruction is provided during this ride).
Depending on numbers we may need some assistance from parents. We need 1 adult MTBA member per 10 juniors (as a minimum). If your child is riding and you would like to volunteer please fill out the contact form at: https://www.lysterfieldmtb.com/contact-us .
Riders will need: Mountain Bike in good working order, pre ride check will be carried out. Australian standards approved helmet Water bottle Snack Spare tube
Course Map: http://skills.lysterfieldmtb.com/ride_1.jpg